Bringing ideas to life.

It all begins with an idea. Illustration can breathe life into creating a brand new world, a new character or design collateral with a message to convey to the consumer. Be it for books, poster design or graphic novels, take a look at the range of illustration projects I’ve had the pleasure of working on.

“Creativity is contagious, pass it on”

— Albert Einstein

“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.”

— Neil Gaiman

“Everything you can imagine is real.”

— Pablo Picasso

“Imagination is the beginning of creation.”

— George Bernard Shaw

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells.”

— Dr. Seuss

The world of Westydoodle.

Some characters start to have their own personality and existence. It’s so rewarding taking this fascinating journey of creativity that helps turn dreams into reality. Like a wise grand master once said “Do or do not. There is no try'“, which is why I keep pushing and developing these characters.

Do you have an idea but need a nudge in the right ‘creative’ direction? Feel free to contact me.

The Enigma Protocol.

Inspired by Marvel and DC and all the other amazing comics I grew up reading as a child, who wouldn’t want to create their own comic or graphic novel? This is where the Enigma Protocol came to life, it started with an idea and has built from there.

Grim the Reaper.

From Terry Pratchett to Spike Milligan I’ve always enjoyed the darker side of humour, Grim the Reaper was created as a way of embracing and exploring this, a character that allows a lighter look at the darker side of life.


Say ‘Hi’ to Ig.

It’s always been one of my ambitions to create child-friendly characters that can help with development. Let me introduce ‘Ig’ and ‘Lou’, one’s a polar bear and the other is his best friend. Together they make each other laugh and smile but most of all learn new weird and wonderful things.

